lørdag den 7. november 2009

The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold

A cat, is a cat, is a cat, as well, as a dog is a dog, is a dog! However, is there a surface underneath the cat that's a cat, that's a cat or the dog who is a dog, who is a dog? Complex situations often shows if one is really telling the truth or not, which leaves me to wonder, when are we ever really honest? And what defines honesty? When looking at this cat, what you see is an animal, a furry one, with a tail, who looks at you, who wants to play with you, but deep down, you know it will, and can switch to the direct opposite in a heartbeat. So, yes, the cat has a hidden agenda, no matter its intentions when it looks at you..!
I can't help but stumble across why the catwalk, is called a catwalk... - so much beauty, so much talent, so much creativity, yet, what are they hiding? What are we so afraid to see? "Sex is full of lies. The body tries to tell the truth. But, it's usually too battered with rules to be heard, and bound with pretenses so it can hardly move. We cripple ourselves with lies."

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