mandag den 31. maj 2010


Dear humans -

I've decided to turn to tumblr - my computerskills are more fit for that side:)!

So please, and I really hope you'll follow me and my stories there

Excited to see you there!!

tirsdag den 25. maj 2010

Knight Mads of Denmark ft. Barbara I Gongini

Who else?

I mean, seriously who else would be the model of the new collection from danish designer - Barabara I Gongini.
The avantgarde-fashiondesigner has upped herself and put none other than Mads Mikkelsen on her ads. And might I add, wauw!

lørdag den 22. maj 2010

I know it's getting old - but I'm on team Jennifer

For as long as I can remember, I have LOVED Jennifer Aniston. I think she's a great comedian and great actress.

Also, she has proven to many many young women, and older as well, that you can still look AMAZING, and have a GREAT life without a significant other, even in your 40'es.
I love her SMARTwater ads, and when I came across the new one - there were so many hateful comments, such as 'well, the reason she has that body is because she doesn't have 4 kids and a husband she needs to feed" - and such comments really made the hair on my back stand up. How fucked up is that? I don't think there's ever an excuse not to do whats best for your body, and treat it with respect, because, at the end of the day, it's 'who you 'sleep' with.

So seriously, to all you mamas out there, from a young woman (me) to all you ladies, shut up, work out, enjoy life, and keep on keeping on!

tirsdag den 18. maj 2010

'These are a few of my favorite things...'

I'm a procrastinator, with a capital P!! I have 5 exams, and work I need to prepare for, but I am missing those simple days with coffee, sunshine and books.
Where did they go? And why, OH WHY, do I have to wait all the way until late June to get simplicity back?
Guess thats whats dreams are for.

A New Girl-Crush.

That is, Carey Mulligan.

Christian Brylle

fredag den 14. maj 2010

To you I might just be me, To me I might just be a dancer?

I've danced all sorts of dance throughout me teenage-years, but stopped because.... So wierd, because, when I tell my dancing-story to people, I can NEVER end that sentence, as to why I quit.
I tried getting back on the floor in october, with my friend, but for some reason, we could not return. We never really talked about it, basically we just made excuses like 'oh well, I don't really have time, university-stuff' etc. etc.
And then 1 week ago, I saw the greatest dance-show, well, in truth, they / Gaardbo Dans, always always makes great shows (plus it's my old school) - and I could not stop moving my feet as I sat in my chair, listened to the drums, the beats, the rhythm, and the happy faces.

So what will it take, when you've quit something in your life, that genuinely made you so extremely happy, right down to your toes, to start again?
Is it pride thats keeping me from my ballet-tights and my electric boogie t-shirt? Or is it the scary feeling of 'sometimes you have to close one book, and start reading another?'

onsdag den 12. maj 2010

Imelda Marcos

80 years old, and still politically active!

tirsdag den 4. maj 2010


I'm Just Not That Girl Anymore

Sometimes getting away is the best that can happen in your life, sometimes it just reminds you of a past you no longer wish to associate yourself with.
I went to London over the weekend, and had a great meeting with someone who I so admire, and basically had a good start, to what I thought would be a great weekend.
Unfortunately it didn't turn out that way.

For a period of time I've had someone in my life whose company I've really enjoyed, and I've had a great deal of respect for. Also, this person has taught me some valuable lessons in life, I thought were very useful to me - it turned out it was all bullshit!
I hate, and I cannot stress the word HATE more than I already do, being played for a fool. I hate when my love for people, or admiration, or respect, or what other positive feelings I can put on people, will turn around, and instead of feeling the above feelings, make me question lack of the same.
Besides being really hurt, pissed off and sad, I sat at a dinner table friday night, with some very prominent guests, and thought to myself, this is not me anymore. I hate being a phoney, and coming across as slightly fake, and that's how I felt friday night, and whilst feeling how I did, I thought to myself - this was me 4 years ago, and I have no intention, whatsoever, to ever be that person again. I simply refuse to live up to that illusion some people might have of me.
I guess, when you're young, stupid and confused, you lean against what might feel most comfortable in life, and don't confuse comfortable with what feels right, because those two feelings are quite similar, yet so different. And for a period of time, I've done what seemed comfortable, instead of doing what's right. And finally I'm in a place I hope to stay for the rest of my life, when it comes to what and with whom I surround myself with.

So on top of having an extremely wierd weekend, only saved by, let me call him "the-dude-who'll-always-grab-bambi", I've been reminded of someone I used to be, and someone I hope never again to see. Which is why, I hope I will not ever experience what I've experienced these last couple of days, and always, ALWAYS be true to my own self. Because, as Diane von Furstenberg has said "the most important relationship you have in life, is the relationship you have with yourself"

So, you live and you learn, right?