onsdag den 30. december 2009

Wishing, and hoping...

So 2009 is lacking towards its end. A year that I could not have predicted the result and meaning of. I feel in many ways as if Karma came around, once again, and it taught me valuable lessons in the great war, called life. The reason I'm choosing to call it a war, is that there's a constant reminder of what's good and bad, what's right and wrong and what makes you laugh or cry. It's a balance, thats so hard to find, and I do not believe I'll find it in 2010, but I do believe that I'll come closer. 3 years ago I thought I was oh so wise, and I knew it all, but circumstances has shown me, that I know so little, and that no matter how hard I try, I cannot predict what the next day, the next hour, the next week or the next year will bring. What I can do, is enjoy myself, my great surroundings, and make sure they know I enjoy them. I said goodbye to someone this year, and it was much needed for myself, but it turned out that that person means more than me, than I could chose to ignore, and I'm so happy that that person is now a part of my life again. I know who I want to surround myself with, and how.
So here's a thank you; to the 3 girls/'skrævs' in my life who've been ready to grab me, thank you to the monday-dinner team for great dinners, great conversations and a great bond, thank you to my oldest friend 'mims' for never being on time, but always being there, thank you to my PG for reminding me to laugh when it seemed so easy to cry, thank you to the "wife "in my life, you're the closets I'll ever come to having a soul-mate in my life, thank you for rushing when times where tough, thank you for understanding who I am, thank you to my great 'babs' for making me understand the relationship between you and I and what that entitles, and last, thank you to my two assholes, for giving me two very special and dear smiles that reminds me of the times that I thought were lost!
So at last, I hope for a great 2010 with more laughter (if possible), more outdoor-Copehagen-activities, more love and more hugs!


søndag den 20. december 2009

A Hollywood-Nerd

As a true celevrity-nerd, and yes, I am proud to say that I read all the gossip every day, it saddens me that yet another celeb has gone to cupcake-heaven (my idea of heaven is a big cupcake). Clueless was one of the all-time greatest girlie-girl movies, and I was in chock when I checked out www.perezhilton.com, to find out that the fab Brittany Murphy is now dead.
So here's a little 'ode' to the some of the FANTASTIC celebs we all lost in 2009:

Patrick Swayze: Thank you for making me dance every time I watch Dirty Dancing, thank you for making me realize that only you know how to make "hungry Eyes"
DJ AM: A true DJ at heart, a dude that lived for the beats, the rhythm and the lyrics - the music, you took to a new level
Michael Jackson: When I was 16, a had a huge discussion whether you or Stevie Wonder defined POP music, and there's no doubt in my mind, that you will always be the King, you brought me so many great memories, and I will continue beating it on the dancefloor every time I listen to "Rock With You"
Brittany Murphy: "I will never te-eel" - wauw, that sentence is stuck in my mind!

So as the nerd I am, I will finish off by writing, may you all rest in piece, and enjoy eating the huge cupcake!

Who do you strive to be?

... The woman who is so well aware of her surroundings, the man who is so insecure he has tattoed his homemade measurement of his penis? What defines you?
Do we, human-beings cover up ourselves with little lies, so that deep down, nobody really knows, who YOU ARE? Will we ever figure out who we are, without the help of self-help books, friends, food, movies, music, the newest cell-phone, or another half?
My grandpa said, a couple of days ago, that to live in an environment without money, and the power money creates, we would run around bare-naked, and be happy as hell.
Is there a middleway??

lørdag den 19. december 2009

Copenhagen, Hopenhagen, Brokenhagen

All I can say is, WHAT HAPPENED??
COP15 has truly shown us, that no matter how powerful, stubborn, or how willing one is to negotiate, intercultural differences, or perceptions, and the lack of understanding to different human beings, made an impact on the goal that was reached. Which was, exactly?
I believe every single person came here, to Brokenhagen, as FOX News now refers Copenhagen as, with the best intentions at heart.
And it kills me to acknowledge, that nothing came out of it, all the good intentions are now in the dumpster.
Action, not thoughts, ACTION!
(Yay, inside me, theres a hidden acticist, with a fashionable outlook:-)

søndag den 13. december 2009

Ladies of my time

A couple of days aago, I saw the movie about legendary Coco (Gabrielle) Chanel. And embarrasing as it may sound, I truly realized the revolution she started; a new state of mind where women all over the world were no longer bound to the concepts or perceptions of what a true lady was supposed to look like, act like or dress.
And it made me stumble across some of the true ladies in my little countries, they're not the fashioneditors or hip bloggers who circulate in the danish fashionsociety, no, it's the ladies who have truly worked, and worked hard to get to the well respected number they represent in such a small society as the danish fashion-society. I do with all my haert, respect them!!

onsdag den 2. december 2009

Things that make me laugh/smile abt. Christmas

1.The never-ending story about the most overexposed celeb in Copenhagen, Sydney Lee, why he's famous, I really don't know, but he sure makes me laugh!
2.The joy of winter-flowers
3.Sonia Rykiel pour H&M
4."Pebernødder" - a danish christmas-treat
5.The christmas-trees, or the lack thereof
6. Lots of candles
7. World Aids Day (December 1'st)
8. All the great activities in CPH during
9. The financial crisis, not that I love 'it', but the fact that stores need to get rid of their stock, and therefore decides to put it on sale!

lørdag den 28. november 2009

The first one never leaves

First loves... They distract you, they never go away, and they keep reappearing. Wether it's a memory, a street, a name, a piece of gum, a sock or a phrase in a piece of music, you'll find yourself related to that first love, even though you try so hard to just let it slip. You can fight it all you want, and keep telling yourself little lies, but lies never work, they get discovered, and all of a sudden you're faced with facts you cannot control, deny or escape from. It's like the darkness, you're not afraid when you're out, but when inside, all alone in the dark, it freaks you out.
Mark Twain once said: "In love, you pay, when you leave" --> cause either you regret you left, or you're so hurt by the other person, and then the hurt turns into hatred, and hatred never leaves.
What is it with first loves, wether it's a car, a man/woman, a pen, some food or artwork - why are they stuck? Why can't they just get the fuck out, so that, when the opportunity for a second, third or fourth or 25'th love can look you in the eyes, and you can return the look?
It seems that most human-beings only love what they do not have.... I might be one of them?!

søndag den 22. november 2009

Francois Nars

Nars, Nars, oh mr. Nars. how you do create dreamy looks!! And, for after 15 years, you still continue to do so! In that occasion, mr Francois has chosen to combine his two passions - photography and make-up, in a book called 15 x 15.

New Sneakers, a pendant and some Japanese Music - Ryuichi Sakamonto

tirsdag den 17. november 2009

Rasmus Krath

As a true magazine-nerd, I get almost every danish fashion magazine thru my door each month. And the magazines that seems to draw most of my attention are not the fashion-ones neither the ones for fashionable women, they're the ones for men. In my long journey looking for interesting reading material, I find that magazines for women are so humiliating for women, it's either, "how to drop ten pounds in one week", "do this, and he'll like you" or "look, the biker-chick look is back." Also, they only have female models on their front-page, whereas most magazines for men, have a personality, someone you know thru the media, or someone you can relate to in one way or the other, on the front-page. The journalism in these women-magazines is boring, there are never any interesting stories about how 'dangerous' a certain lifestyle can be, it feels as if the people behind these magazines are creating a cinderella-story behind their readers' eyes, instead of mixing reality with dreams. Maybe I'm completely wrong, maybe most women urge for an hour on the couch, dreaming about a pair of Choos that costs 10.000 DKR? I don't know... However, what I do know is that I was so extremely inspired about the article in newest version of EUROMAN (december 2009 issue), about a young man named Rasmus Krath, who has devoted his life to travelling. Not to bounty-islands, but to the places in the world that are so broken by actions made by human-beings.
I find myself sitting in front of my computer, wondering why I wonder about what pair of new boots I want, instead of saying FUCK that, that is most certainly NOT what life is about..! Rasmus Krath, I am a fan!!

In love

"I work in the dead of night
When the world's quiet, no one is around
Track my moves, racing the yellow lights
To find the gate is open, she's waiting in the room
I just step on through
You get in, you get done and then you get gone
You never leave a trace, or show your face, you get gone
Should've turned around and left before the sun came up again
But the sun came up again
Enter the morning light
To find the day is burning the curtains and the wine
In a little white room
Though I'm not alone, her head is heavy on me
She's sleeping like a child
What could I do
You get in, you get done and then you get gone
You never leave a trace, or show your face, you get gone
Should've turned around and left before the sun came up again
But the sun came up again
I was a killer, was the best they'd ever seen
I'd steal your heart before you ever heard a thing
I'm an assassin and I had a job to do
Little did I know that girl was an assassin too
Suddenly I'm in over my head and I can hardly breathe
Suddenly I'm floating over her bed and I feel everything
Suddenly I know exactly what I did, but I can not move a thing
And suddenly I know exactly what I've done
And what it's gonna mean to me, mean to me
I'm gone
I was a killer, was the best they'd ever seen
I'd steal your heart before you ever heard a thing
I'm an assassin and I had a job to do
Little did I know that girl was an assassin too"

torsdag den 12. november 2009


Carhart, Won Hundred, Stine Goya, Wood Wood, Solea, MJ, Sonia Rykiel, Tinto Tearra and stuff, I want/need to own!

lørdag den 7. november 2009

Going In For The KIll // La Roux

The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold

A cat, is a cat, is a cat, as well, as a dog is a dog, is a dog! However, is there a surface underneath the cat that's a cat, that's a cat or the dog who is a dog, who is a dog? Complex situations often shows if one is really telling the truth or not, which leaves me to wonder, when are we ever really honest? And what defines honesty? When looking at this cat, what you see is an animal, a furry one, with a tail, who looks at you, who wants to play with you, but deep down, you know it will, and can switch to the direct opposite in a heartbeat. So, yes, the cat has a hidden agenda, no matter its intentions when it looks at you..!
I can't help but stumble across why the catwalk, is called a catwalk... - so much beauty, so much talent, so much creativity, yet, what are they hiding? What are we so afraid to see? "Sex is full of lies. The body tries to tell the truth. But, it's usually too battered with rules to be heard, and bound with pretenses so it can hardly move. We cripple ourselves with lies."