tirsdag den 23. marts 2010

This Is My Life...

An ugly picture, yeez, yikes, yeez!
I opened up one of my favorite danish magazines today, and it had a teeny, tiny picture of me and a friend of mine in it, and I looked like CRAP! So after quickly putting it in my huge pile of other magazines, I jumped in my shower, where I stood and got more and more frustrated - because that picture, is really not me.
The whole essense of being in magazines, having your name printed there, and not having a single clue of what you'll look like, and most importantly, what other people will say or think, is absolutely horrifying, and it creeps me out.
So, it got me thinking about other things in my life as well. And how much I admire people who just put it out there - you know, the 'real' people: designers who delivers excellent interviews, and put out their collections/their lifework/baby for people to criticize, singers who do the same - and who constantly have to be in the front-row, in order for them not to be forgotten, and, last, politicians. Because, they, of all people, clearly stand out, with their hearts, minds and logic, and in many cases, they put everything at risk.
So this is what I like about my life, and what I'm shaping it to be, that I'm not somebody you know the face of, or have an opinion of, but you have an opinion of what I write - and that's awesome, because that is my passion - writing! And you may judge, criticize, or give me an applause, because what you got here, is 75% of who I am - it's NOT a picture in a magazine, I'm not that person, nope, I am my pen, my macbook, my daily journal, my many moleskine notebooks, my friends, my stories, my family, magazines, my sneakers and my high heels, my tattoes and my music.

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