fredag den 14. maj 2010

To you I might just be me, To me I might just be a dancer?

I've danced all sorts of dance throughout me teenage-years, but stopped because.... So wierd, because, when I tell my dancing-story to people, I can NEVER end that sentence, as to why I quit.
I tried getting back on the floor in october, with my friend, but for some reason, we could not return. We never really talked about it, basically we just made excuses like 'oh well, I don't really have time, university-stuff' etc. etc.
And then 1 week ago, I saw the greatest dance-show, well, in truth, they / Gaardbo Dans, always always makes great shows (plus it's my old school) - and I could not stop moving my feet as I sat in my chair, listened to the drums, the beats, the rhythm, and the happy faces.

So what will it take, when you've quit something in your life, that genuinely made you so extremely happy, right down to your toes, to start again?
Is it pride thats keeping me from my ballet-tights and my electric boogie t-shirt? Or is it the scary feeling of 'sometimes you have to close one book, and start reading another?'

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