lørdag den 22. maj 2010

I know it's getting old - but I'm on team Jennifer

For as long as I can remember, I have LOVED Jennifer Aniston. I think she's a great comedian and great actress.

Also, she has proven to many many young women, and older as well, that you can still look AMAZING, and have a GREAT life without a significant other, even in your 40'es.
I love her SMARTwater ads, and when I came across the new one - there were so many hateful comments, such as 'well, the reason she has that body is because she doesn't have 4 kids and a husband she needs to feed" - and such comments really made the hair on my back stand up. How fucked up is that? I don't think there's ever an excuse not to do whats best for your body, and treat it with respect, because, at the end of the day, it's 'who you 'sleep' with.

So seriously, to all you mamas out there, from a young woman (me) to all you ladies, shut up, work out, enjoy life, and keep on keeping on!

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